Lawyer for Accidents Involving Trucks

As of 2020, the BTS claimed that there were 13,479,382 trucks registered in the United States. Delivering commodities and other stuff across the United States is a daily activity involving thousands of these trucks traveling across the country. It is possible for collisions involving vehicles weighing 3,000 pounds or less to result in fatalities because many of them weigh more than 80,000 pounds (40 tons).

Tragically, fatalities are the typical outcome of crashes between passenger automobiles and commercial trucks. The majority of the time, these are complicated accidents that involve a large number of parties and insurance firms.

Generally speaking, accidents that include semi-trucks, 18-wheelers, rental trucks, and dump trucks result in more damage than other accidents. Accidents involving trucks can manifest themselves for various reasons; each circumstance is unique. Therefore, you should seek the advice of an experienced attorney specializing in truck accidents as soon as possible following your accident.

The attorneys at Nix Patterson, who specialize in catastrophic injuries, have been assisting victims of truck accidents in obtaining compensation for their injuries for the past four decades. These events have the potential to cause victims and their families to experience utter misery, which our attorneys have seen firsthand. We will put much effort into ensuring you receive the most favorable remuneration for your expenses and any additional requirements.

Causes of Accidents Involving Trucks

In 2019, there were 5,005 fatalities because of accidents involving heavy trucks. Seventy-one percent (7,544) of the other automobile occupants who were involved in these truck collisions were killed. That year, there were about 159,000 people who were injured as a result of accidents involving heavy trucks.

The FMCSA released a report after investigating hundreds of truck accidents. The FMCSA states that brake issues, traffic interruptions, and other factors cause most heavy truck accidents.

Truck accidents can also be caused by drivers who are exhausted, distracted while driving (such as texting while driving), and drivers who are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

• Issues with the streets and roads • Driving recklessly; lacking experience; loading freight incorrectly; surpassing the posted speed limit; not receiving necessary maintenance and training; driving aggressively

The cause of your incident can be determined with the assistance of an experienced attorney specializing in truck accidents. Using phone records and data from the vehicle's black box, an attorney can investigate the cause of the accident while you and your family recover.

Follow These Steps in the Event of a Truck Accident

The following should be done in the event of a crash:

The following steps should be taken: call the police; seek medical treatment; collect information (names, addresses, license numbers) from all persons involved; take pictures and document the occurrence; make a note of eyewitness contact details; refuse to accept blame; and employ the services of a truck collision attorney.

Following your initial contact with the police and subsequent medical attention receipt, you can phone us anytime for assistance.

The Days That Follow a Collision Between Two Vehicles

Your conduct in the days and weeks following an accident may hurt your claim. If you give us a call, we will assist you in achieving this goal:

You should receive a report of the accident from the police, appraise your vehicle, and record your medical appointments, out-of-pocket expenses, and missed workdays. And keeping a journal allows you to record your thoughts and feelings, including things like panic attacks and sleep issues. Refusing to contact other drivers' insurance companies and discussing the occurrence on social media is essential.

In what ways are truck accidents distinct from automobile collisions?

Crashing a car is not the same as colliding with a commercial truck. Because they weigh twenty times more than passenger automobiles, trucks are subject to more stringent state and federal regulations. Following a 10-hour break, truck drivers responsible for moving property can continue driving for 11 hours, as stipulated by the statutes governing service hours. Drivers who are under the influence of alcohol are barred from operating potentially lethal trucks on public routes, as stipulated by this piece of legislation.

Additional contrasts between these incidences include the following: • Truck accidents cause the most devastating injuries.

 The commercial trucking industry has access to more extensive options regarding insurance coverage. Liability may be assigned to several parties, including owners, operators, makers of parts, maintenance professionals, and drivers. There is the possibility of more significant damages.

How Can Truck Accident Lawyers Be of Assistance to Their Clients?

Every accident involving a vehicle is unique. To put together a compelling case for the jury or the insurance company, you will need an experienced attorney specializing in cases involving semi-truck accidents. An experienced law company serving clients involved in truck accidents will perform an investigation and gather evidence, including witness statements, police records, black box data, expert testimony, and photographs of the accident scene.

• To keep track of misplaced objects, you should compile bills and medical records.

• It is recommended that you seek the advice of medical professionals to ascertain the scope of your future medical needs.

• Determine who is responsible for the car accident that occurred to you.

• Compose solicitation letters and send them to the insurance company of the party that is at fault.

Assume the responsibility of negotiating with insurance companies on your behalf.

In this situation, you should take legal action while maintaining an openness to the possibility of settling. If necessary, you should proceed with a trial.

Our attorneys at Nix Patterson can handle this situation and cover all associated fees. Following the completion of the documentation for your case, we will keep you updated on its progress.

How much compensation will I receive if I am involved in a truck accident?

Accidents involving trucks generally result in more significant damage than accidents involving passenger cars, even though insurance companies rarely promise full recompense. If you or a loved one sustained injuries as a consequence of an accident involving a vehicle caused by another individual's negligence

Benefits for wrongful death, pain and suffering, loss of consortium, mental anguish, lost earnings and future earnings, deformity and permanent scarring, and loss of consortium are all included.

Claiming punitive damages in certain situations is permissible because of the circumstances. These monetary damages are awarded to the defendant if the court finds that the defendant was negligent in a manner that was either deliberate or flagrant.

Find a Skilled Attorney to Represent You in Truck Accidents

You may be eligible for compensation for your losses as a result of the fact that truck accidents might result in fatalities or injuries of a severe kind. It would help if you were not responsible for bearing the financial, psychological, and physical expenses of an accident on your own. Your truck accident case can be evaluated by an experienced personal injury attorney, who will devise a strategy and make an effort to negotiate a settlement.

It is about time that Nix Patterson shows here. Our attorneys will see to it that your rights are protected. Have a conversation with us about the accident that occurred with your vehicle right now. The initial consultation is of no cost. The only time we are compensated is when we achieve success.